Микроэлектроника > OTA Power Measurement Toolkit for CATR Method



“OTA Power Measurement Toolkit for CATR Method” is a set of functions that allow to perform Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Sensitivity Measurements in Over-the-Air (OTA) Test Setup using Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) Method according to 3GPP 38.810 Specification.

The Toolkit is designed to be used along RFmx SpecAn functions to convert Power Measurement values of RFmx to account for gains and losses:

  • Free Space Losses
  • CATR Mirror Losses
  • Probe Antenna Losses


  • Effective Isotropic Power
  • Total Radiated Power
  • Sensitivity


Key Features

  • Measure of relevant parameters
  • Calculation of losses
  • Compliance of measurement and calculation methods with 3GPP TS 38.810 Specification
  • Compatible with NI RFmx SpecAn

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