The new cutting edge industrial applications call for serious additions to the existing academic curricula, education and research laboratories.  

Throughout the years, we have been converting our technical knowledge and experience into education, research and training labs for universities and industry.

We place most of our education and training labs on the site.


  • Design custom education labs

  • Design custom research platforms

  • Design custom training stands

  • Design of Centers of Excellence

New Labs

Лабораторный Комплекс Электрических Нагрузок

Лабораторный комплекс предназначен для создания нагрузки при испытаниях двигателей.

Лабораторный Комплекс “Электромобили”

Комплекс лабораторных работ предназначен для глубокого изучения силовых компонентов электропривода электромобилей.

Biomedical Lab

All hands-on operations are conducted on the «Biomedical Devices Engineering» board. The circuits to be assembled are presented on respective front panels of each hands-on project, as well as in courseware manual.

Machine Learning Lab

Machine Learning gained more popularity in the industrial applications in the past couple of years. This course helps students and engineers working in the field to learn and try the algorithms that are being used in industry.

Arduino Applications Lab

The Arduino Applications test bench is based on a specially designed test board for NI ELVIS platform. The test board includes the Arduino platform and other devices. Using the Arduino IDE Integrated Development Environment, the program codes are developed and uploaded into the software platform working with the peripheral devices and the PC. 

Ranging Principles Lab

The Ranging Principles Lab has been developed for educational purposes. The operating principles of radiolocation systems are studied using ultra-sonic waves. The lab software has been developed in LabVIEW Graphical Programming Environment. System hardware is based on the module NI myRIO. During the experiment the student independently installs various receiving and transmitting devices on the test bench, connects the required power sources and meters. 

Under Development

Cryptography Lab

Cryptography Lab is designed to help high-school students, as well as students to assimilate information and get general information about the work of algorithms in an intelligible form. The laboratory bench allows to apply the cryptographic algorithms given in the curriculum in practice.


Engineering City
Nor Nork, 0062

+374 (55) 525 608